The Charioteer

"The charioteer of the human soul drives a pair of steeds, and one of the horses is beautiful, good, and formed of such elements, whereas the makeup of the other one is quite the opposite." -Phaedrus

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Location: Duquesne University, United States

A Blog For All and None. Consider it my narrative history of ideas. A place primarily to share and obtain feedback to my thoughts through my graduate career in philosophy. For philosophy is simply "thoughts that have been thought out."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ACPA 2006 Annual Meeting

The American Catholic Philosophical Association will be having their annual conference hosted at Denison Univeristy, October 27th - 29th. Student Registration in only $10.00.

The conference seems to be largely centered, naturally, on Aristotelian and Thomistic Philosophy; however there are some occasional segments for continenal and phenomenological philosophy allowed in the schedule. Besides Franciscan's own, Professor Jonathan Sanford, who is scheduled to present a paper entitled "Aristotle's Divided Mind: Some Thoughts on Intellectual Virtue and Aristotle's Occasional Dualism," here is a list of the societies which will be participating:

Gabriel Marcel Society

Ohio Greek Philosophy Reading Group

Society for Catholicism and Analytical Philosophy

Society for Thomistic Natural Philosophy

ACPA Committee on Priestly Formation

American Association for the Philosophic Study of Society
International Institute for Hermeneutics
Philosophers in Jesuit Education (with Dr. Norris Clarke representing!)
Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics
Lonergan Philosophical Society
Ohio Greek Philosophy Reading Group
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics

ACPA Website:
Register Online: