The Charioteer

"The charioteer of the human soul drives a pair of steeds, and one of the horses is beautiful, good, and formed of such elements, whereas the makeup of the other one is quite the opposite." -Phaedrus

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Location: Duquesne University, United States

A Blog For All and None. Consider it my narrative history of ideas. A place primarily to share and obtain feedback to my thoughts through my graduate career in philosophy. For philosophy is simply "thoughts that have been thought out."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Charles Taylor, Winner of the 2007 Templeton Award

The prestige of the award notwithstanding, there is a compelling interview with Taylor entitled: "What Role Does Spiritual Thinking Have in the 21st Century."

Should be good!


Blogger sdfsdfd said...

You want to update people on it let people know about well I guess I just want people to be he know you look at all the staff and it is now it is all depressing and sometimes it's overwhelming but the fact is we're winning this battle I someone who works in this 24/7 I can tell you there the evidence for this is overwhelming and even if you're pro-life and you don’t believe that I guarantee you your enemies believe it they know that.

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9:17 PM  

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