The Charioteer

"The charioteer of the human soul drives a pair of steeds, and one of the horses is beautiful, good, and formed of such elements, whereas the makeup of the other one is quite the opposite." -Phaedrus

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Location: Duquesne University, United States

A Blog For All and None. Consider it my narrative history of ideas. A place primarily to share and obtain feedback to my thoughts through my graduate career in philosophy. For philosophy is simply "thoughts that have been thought out."

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Heidegger vs. Scheler: Part II, The Anthropological Problematic

In order to decipher the meaning of John White’s comparison mentioned in Part I, which is my eventual goal, it is important to see how Heidegger criticizes Scheler in the beginning of Being and Time. His criticism is not so much a criticism of Scheler’s philosophy specifically, but one of the employment of philosophical anthropology in general, of which Scheler (and Husserl for that matter) is a notable proponent, especially for Heidegger, a fellow phenomenologist and Husserlian. Furthermore, we also see that Heidegger’s criticism is not even one pertaining to anthropology in terms of its personalism, i.e., he is not criticizing the anthropology itself, but only the starting point of anthropology. Anthropology wrongly begins by first describing being (essences) and fails to consider the more primordial question, the Being of those beings. There lacks then a “fundamental ontology” upon which to even begin the work of interpreting the meaning of being: “what is man?”

But in Heidegger’s description of Scheler’s anthropology and personalism—as spirit defined in terms of its acts and opposed to something substantial, and therefore something all together different from the soul and body—it is evident he treats only the very “essential” elements of Scheler’s anthropology, i.e., those elements of Scheler’s account that have to do with his description of the essence of the person (spirit) and the whole personal being. And thus, Heidegger’s criticism works. But the question is whether Heidegger’s too brief account of Scheler does the anthropologist justice in finding some elements within the whole of Scheler’s philosophy (and therefore not restricted to his anthropology) that might account for a kind of “fundamental ontology,” or something that does “reach the dimension of the question of being in Da-sein” (BT, §47). Something that is on the level of Heidegger’s “being-in-the-world.”

This question is not a rhetorical one, by which I mean, I have no idea whether such a notion actually exists in Scheler! But this is a process, and is the difference in writing on a blog and writing for a journal: I am allowed not to have a conclusion prior to beginning the question; however, I am willing to bet I will come up with something…, One thing is for certain, if something of this kind can be discerned in Scheler’s work, it will surely not be explicit as Heidegger’s analysis of “the fundamental constitution of Da-sein”: being-in-the-world. But the problem of anthropology provides a starting point and John White’s comparison which began this project gives us a conclusive hint: I imagine it will have something to so with “being-toward-value.”


Blogger Chris said...

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9:09 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I'm much more familiar with Scheler than Heidegger (I haven't read any Heidegger directly, to be quite honest), so I'm not sure how much I can contribute. Here are some thoughts though...

What is meant by 'being-in-the-world'? To be honest, I doubt Scheler would have anything against this 'being-in-the-world', especially when one considers his WHOLE anthropology of body-psyche-spirit. He'd just say there's more to it than that.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I Agree, I don't think Scheler disagreed with Heidegger's "fundamental constitution of Dasein," though he may have criticized certain aspects of it. But I think a strength of Heidegger is that he is not attempting to propose a alternate anthropology or rival Scheler's with his own, but he is doing something altogether new by criticizing the foundation of all disciplines by which he thinks they all assume too much metaphysically. And this, I think, is what Heidegger means by being-in-the-world, that before we can say anything essentially about the person, we must have an understanding of the being's Being in the world and the particular conditions that surround Dasein, in the world--in Its world.

Keep in mind also that after Scheler read Being and Time in 1927, Heidegger thought Scheler was the only one who understood him. And yet, Scheler was planning to write a criticism of the work which he never was able to do because of his death. Interesting.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scheler Doomed by Framing of the Question

Unfortunately, because of the way the question has been posed, there is no way Scheler can come out on top. It has been proposed that we go ‘hunting’ for Heidegger’s Dasein in Scheler’s account (which, by the way, is precisely what Heidegger means by “Destruction of the History of Ontology”). But this is to admit from the outset that Heidegger’s position is the measure of truth. And, if it is already conceded that Heidegger is the measure, then Scheler can only be correct to the extent that he ‘measures up’ to Heidegger. In short, as the question is here posed, Scheler can only be second best.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Whoah! How does suggesting that Scheler already presumes an understanding of being-in-the-world akin to Heidegger the same as admitting that Heidegger is "the measure"? All it really says is that Heidegger wasn't the first to criticize intentionality and emphasize being-in-the-world and such. Rather, believe it or not, you can find it in work prior to him. Heck, the German Idealists were doing this over 100 years earlier!

Additionally, this doesn't address the question of whether, "morally and practically" speaking, talk of being-in-the-world is really that helpful to us. Where is ethics in Heidegger's thought anyway?

Scheler is not "doomed" least not yet!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Eric, I was also wondering, is there anything else worth sharing from White's article that might help better contextualize what he was getting at in that quote you cited about 'being-toward-value'?

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the German Idealists were doing this over 100 years earlier!

While both German Idealists and Heidegger emphasize contextuality, any reduction of one to the other fails to grasp the core truth of each.

Both Heidegger and, e.g., Hegel are self-consciously historical thinkers. To identify them is to 'ahistorisize' their assertion of historicity. That is, we would reduce both to the proposition that "Truth is historical," whereas the truth of each is not in their assertions of historicity, but in the way each approaches an eschatological truth.

In other words, to reduce both to claims of contextuality/historicity is to miss the eskaton that is the 'core' animating principle--'soul' if you will--of their contribution. For Hegel, it is self-realizing reason, or reason catalyzing its own self-consciousness (i.e. Absolute Spirit). For Heidegger, the meaning of being as such.

Therefore, even if we disregard the particular way Eric framed the question (which was the real subject of my comments), the 'soul' of Scheler's philosophy, its eskaton, must be strong enough to define an entire age of the history of Western philosophy. Only then, and only in that way, will Scheler have a chance. Otherwise, Scheler's contribution will be only the extent to which he uncovers Dasein (even if only existentielly). That is, the meaning of being as such, as the eskaton, sucks Scheler's account into ITS history like Charybdis. The journey is perilous: can Scheler rise to the level of an Odysseus? Can he survive the crossfire of the gods?

Additionally, this doesn't address the question of whether, "morally and practically" speaking, talk of being-in-the-world is really that helpful to us. Where is ethics in Heidegger's thought anyway?

This question, then, is misposed. The question is not whether Heidegger's thought is helpful for ethics. Rather, it is whether an ethics is possible without Heidegger's thought.

There really hasn't been a new 'ethics' since Kant. Without Heidegger, there is no new vantage point to keep from merely repeating ourselves: virtue ethics (Aristotle), Deontology (Kant), and Consequentialism (e.g. Mill).

The reason that Kant's was the last 'ethics' is because his work was the penultimate culminating moment for the Modern period. In other words, Kant didn't so much write a new morality. Rather, self-realizing reason, as the eskaton, was, like a yet undiscovered horizon--a 'New World'--made a new morality possible--a morality defined and constructed by reason itself.

Has Scheler hit upon something so divinely powerful as the One (Parmenides), Becoming (Heraclitus), the Form of the Good (Plato), Energeia (Aristotle), God's Forgiveness (Augustine), Pure Act (Aquinas), Cogito (Descartes), Pure Reason (Kant), Self-Realizing Reason (Hegel), Communism (Marx), Eternally Recurring Will to Power (Nietzsche), the Scandal of the Cross (Kierkegaard-St. Paul), the meaning of being as such (Heidegger)? And if Scheler has, will it survive the sapping onslaught of fundamental ontology?

11:15 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Everyone relax, nobody is yet "doomed!"

To go through the posts: I think Dominic has a point that we cannot "go hunting for Heidegger in Scheler." But Chris is correct to emphasize the chronological priority of the situation: if Scheler was doing something similar to Heidegger, but in a very different way, the case is not closed...Indeed, the case is never closed. In any case, we have not yet arrived at the crux of the issue, which I am working on in a new post that will be up soon.

Chris' point concerning ethics is most profound though, because it is the ethical framework which is both the strength of Scheler and the weakness of Heidegger. Levinas was most aware of this lack in Heidegger and had very successfully categorized it. Frings, as well, in his article on Scheler's reading of Being and Time emphasized how Heidegger does not have near the value theory as Scheler had developed, and the significance this is for their comparison--the closest thing Heidegger has in comparison is, well, the meaning of being! This is what I am coming to in my later posts.

Finally, to comment on some of what Dominic wrote in his last post. First, the strange assertion that there has been no new ethics since Kant and that all ethics will continue is this vicious cycle of virtue ethics, Deontology, and Consequetialism obviously comes from someone who has not grappled with a "material ethics of value." Scheler destroyed Kant's ethics and, in my opinion, has certainly established a place for himself as a primary contributor to the history of ethics.

Secondly, Scheler does have such a "divinely powerful" principle informing the whole of his philosophy: personal love. And the power of this principle is evident, for it is simultaneously, in a single principle, both the essence of being AND the meaning of being. Therefore, what Heidegger saw as separate and disjunctive elements, for the meaning of being had to be established before the essence could be investigated; Scheler handles in one principle: the fundamental ontology is "world openness" and the essence of spirit is modified through openness and love.

However, it is now time for a root beer float, which according to my own personal philosophy, is precisely the meaning of being as such! Both Heidegger and Scheler were dead wrong!

12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Chris is correct to emphasize the chronological priority of the situation: if Scheler was doing something similar to Heidegger

However, in a chronology of archetypes, the end is prior. The chronological priority of Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc.--far from securing their hermeneutic priority--is precisely what makes them susceptible to their reappropriation in the New Testament.

... because it is the ethical framework which is both the strength of Scheler and the weakness of Heidegger.

Not so if a truly original ethics requires first the horizon of the meaning of being--in which case, Scheler's and even Levinas' attempts, however valiant and honorable, are premature and not properly founded.

the strange assertion that there has been no new ethics ... obviously comes from someone who has not grappled with a "material ethics of value." Scheler destroyed Kant's ethics ...

While Scheler's criticisms of Kant's formalism may hold (and they may not due to the fact that Scheler may not be reading Kant in the proper depth as occasioning the advent of reason), I doubt that his positive claims about a material claim survive the objections Kant makes against empiricism at the outset of the Second Critique. All value-speak, from Kant's perspective, will be merely subjective, inadequate to found absolute moral laws.

At best, Scheler and Kant end in stalemate, the latter on the inability to include material content, the former on the inability to overcome objections to the introduction of material content. In short, the situation devolves into a "he said, she said" situation.

... for [personal love] is simultaneously, in a single principle, both the essence of being AND the meaning of being.

This may be true, but not as such. Personal love may be the essence of being, but not the essence of being as such. Maybe the meaning of being, but not the meaning of being as such. To be properly transcendental--that is, for being to be as such--good and evil, love and hate, must be the same. We must be able not only to account for evil (e.g., as merely the 'appearance' of good), but must be able to understand evil in the primordial grounds of its possibility (i.e. the vary way in which evil comes to occupy the sovereign place of the good) before we can address vacuousness of ethical claims in our time--by which I mean not falsity of ethical claims, but the inability of ethical claims, however true, to inspire us. In short, in our day, as things stand now, ethics has no claim on us prior to to the claim of being.

... what Heidegger saw as separate and disjunctive elements, for the meaning of being had to be established before the essence could be investigated ...

This is simply not true. Only through a prior analytic of Dasein, can we begin to formulate the question of the meaning of being. That is, the investigation of the ESSENCE of Dasein (which lies in its ek-sistence) precedes the meaning of being.

... Scheler handles in one principle: the fundamental ontology is "world openness" and the essence of spirit is modified through openness and love.

Scheler does not reach this level. For "world openness" would have to be, at the same time complete world closedness. And this does not mean being open to true values and closed to false values. Rather, it would mean being open to every being (including values) and closed to every being (including values) simultaneously.

In Angst, it is precisely because one is closed off from every being that he is open to every being. To use an image, Christ is most free in being fixed to the cross and NOT because of the "Thy will be done," but precisely because he is not free in being fixed to the cross.

We need to grasp everything in the source of its ownmost possibility, i.e. in the moment in which extreme possibilities are disclosed. Freedom disclosed in crucifixion. Slavery disclosed in heteronomy. Hope in despair. Despair in optimism, etc.

Love has the capacity to do this--but only in the extremities of its manifestation--the Flood as Baptism and death, the destruction of Egypt, Moses being forbidden from the promised land, Saul dethroned, David forbidden to build the temple, Solomon cursed, Israel crushed by Babylon. Hell itself must scream, "Love is my maker." For this, Scheler may be ill suited. But then, there is another. (And not Heidegger by the way.)

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contra the assertion that the case is never closed, I quote St. Augustine:

Roma locuta, causa finita est.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Dominic, I don't have much time to respond right now, but what I will say is that I question whether one can get at the essence of Dasein without also moving beyond it. Since you seem into biblical and literary types, let's recall that not only does the Old Testament foreshadow the New, but the NT also illuminates the OT.

Thus, even if being is prior or foundational in a sense, I still don't think we can really get at it fully through some "prior analytic". Rather, we must move onto person and love. It's a more reciprocal relationship, yet at the same time, if you think a prior "true" understanding of Dasein is more significant and more inspiring than "personal love", no offense, but I think you're crazy! That is to say, ethics may not be possible with Heidegger's thought, but I don't think Heidegger's insight is the most important nor most inspiring when it comes to ethical questions.

Additionally, it's interesting that we describe Dasein as prior, yet in my opinion, if we want to also develop a philosophy of God (I'm not sure to what extent Heidegger does this), the divine ground of being, then I think it becomes even clearer that love is more essential.

I appologize for the brevity and scattered nature of my thoguhts, as well as any possible misunderstandings. Remember though, I've read very little Heidegger and I'm still learning a lot. I really appreciate the dialogue though.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Here's an interesting thought, not from myself, but Manfred S. Frings, in The Mind of Max Scheler:

"The idea of tool-man is also implicit in Heidegger's "Dasein" in his Being and Time (1927). Dasein is with pragmatic values before anything else. Heidegger avoids the term value, because he falsely thought that all values are objective thing-values. For Heidegger, tools, utensils, the stuff all around us (das Zeug), even "disclose" Being. Values of holiness, mental and vital values play no role in the pragmatic everyday-world of Dasein, because, in its essence it is exposed to how utensils and the stuff are "at-hand" (zuhandren) or secondarily, "present-to-hand" (vorhanden). Scheler once stated that if he were only Dasein, he would rather not live. Dasein's supposedly only pragmatic existence had, however, already been conceived by Scheler as early as in Formalism. Whenever he refers to "milieu-things" they are "Brauchbarkeiten," which is just another word for what Heidegger is talking about. Heidegger's assumption that Being is disclosed through things at-hand amounted for Scheler to a gross distortion of the order of value-ranks we are discussing here." (p. 28-29)

Earlier, in a discussion of the place of ethics, Frings gives the following interesting remark about Heidegger: "Of course, if one takes ethics to be a discipline subordinated to others, say to ontology as did the early Heidegger, and the later Edmund Husserl (1857-1937), the solution to the question of the foundation of ethics is simply set aside." So, what exactly did the late Heidegger hold to?

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you seem into biblical and literary types, let's recall that not only does the Old Testament foreshadow the New, but the NT also illuminates the OT.

My point was that Dasein is the last, or later, type. As such, Scheler's person is to Heidegger's Dasein as OT is to NT. It is Heidegger's Dasein that is the fuller, albeit chronologically later, account.

... I still don't think we can really get at it fully through some "prior analytic". Rather, we must move onto person and love.

To "move onto person and love" is to go nowhere. What is needed is a primordial vantage point from which to deepen, and thereby reinvigorate our 'tired' understanding of person and love.

... if you think a prior "true" understanding of Dasein is more significant and more inspiring than "personal love", no offense, but I think you're crazy!

It's not a question of inspiration; it's a question of ground. Scheler simply isn't asking the right question.

... if we want to also develop a philosophy of God ... the divine ground of being, then I think it becomes even clearer that love is more essential.

God as ground of being obscures the question of the meaning of being by purporting to give an answer where the question has yet even to be formulated. Our understanding of God and of the divine in general is no less 'tired' than that of love. What you say here may be true, but only from a time and place that has yet to be prepared, let alone reached.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidegger's assumption that Being is disclosed through things at-hand amounted for Scheler to a gross distortion of the order of value-ranks we are discussing here.

This shows a gross misunderstanding (whether on the part of Frings or Scheler or both). The everyday world of things in-hand (zuhanden) and of things "merely there" (vorhanden) is only the **most superficial** level of the 'archeological dig' into the deepest ontological structures. The point of the 'pragmatic' level is to start with the most mundane and common and show how even it betrays an ontological structure, which is, in turn, grounded by other structures.

Moreover, there is no "distortion of the order of value-ranks" because there is no value ranks at all. Heirarchies obscure the univocity of being--hieracharchies allow, at best, only analogy--and it is for that reason (among others) that Heidegger avoids the term "value" and not because "he falsely thought that all values are objective thing-values."

For Heidegger, even Nietzsche's "Re-valuation of all values" is not radical enough. Or rather, the only way such a re-valuation can be properly carried out is to completely level all values.

The problem with values are not that they are "objective" and 'thingly.' On the one hand, values fail to grasp the truth of the thing--i.e. how the thing "things." That is, values are not 'thingly' enough.

On the other hand, values are open to a subjective reduction, when confronted with the full force of, e.g., a Nietzsche. That is, values are not 'objective' enough. Or rather, they are too objective only because they are too subjective.

So, what exactly did the late Heidegger hold to?

"If the name 'ethics,' in keepting with the basic meaning of the word ethos, should now say that 'ethics' ponders the abode of man, then thinking which thinks the truth of being as the primordial element of man, as one who ek-sists, is in itself the original ethics. However, this thinking is not ethics in the first instance, because it is ontology." (Heidegger, "Letter on Humanism" in Basic Writings, rev. ed., p258)

And last, but certainly not least: "Only a god can save us." (Heidegger, Der Spiegel Interview: )

2:30 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

I have read with interest the exchange between Dominic and Chris and would like to reply to some of Dominic's closing remarks, particularly, "The point of the 'pragmatic' level is to start with the most mundane and common and show how even it betrays an ontological structure, which is, in turn, grounded by other structures" and his assertion in effect that a more fundamental or "primordial" ontology is required to illuminate human existence or what some would call the human condition. It seems to me that there is something strikingly naive in the Heideggerian assumption that one can somehow relegate ethics to the status of a so-called "local ontology" (such as the natural sciences are said to be)and somehow carry out an analysis of human existence that effectively abstracts from our status as ethical beings orientated towards values (whether positive or negative)and proceeds as if there somehow were (or could be)a "deeper" more fundamental level of what it is for us to be in the world. The Heideggerian emphasis for example on our being-towards-death (if we have to use this ridiculous and pretentious terminology)overlooks the crucial fact that death itself is only of significance for us because life itself is significant, and life's being significant for us (positively or negatively)arises in and out of our fundamental orientation towards the world not merely as a world of things (either ready to hand or present to hand)or abstract possibilities, but as a world of values. In other words, I think the supporters of Scheler are correct to think that Scheler's analysis of the being of the person in terms of love and hate, and thus in terms of its value-orientation etc., is more "fundamental", "primordial" and, in any event, more enlightening than Heidegger's wilfull yet naive abstraction from the ethical (which is what I'm afraid Heidegger's position amounts to). Lastly, at the risk of appearing mischievous, I would want to know what the value of any so-called fundamental ontology is supposed to be, and what motivates a concern with it at all, other than the fundamental orientation of human (or personal) beings towards values in general - in this case the implicitly assumed objective value of knowledge or enlightenment that is supposed to be bound up with the whole enterprise of so-called "fundamental ontology" and the fundamental orientation towards which "always already" underlies any project of the Heideggerian kind in the first place. Scheler was not of course the first or only philosopher to investigate the way in which an orientation toward value is somehow fundamental to understanding everything else we do or are - but (inspired by other philosophers such as Augustine and Pascal for example) he does provide a uniquely powerful and complex account of it. As for Dominic's worry about the possible "subjectivism" of value, I think he would do well to study Scheler's thorough-going critique of moral relativism and subjetivism. Despite its unreflective popularity there are actually few arguments in favour of moral subjectivism and in any case I don't see its relevance to the debate in hand. Finally, I find it curious that so many of Heidegger's readers are so uncritical of his assumptions - particularly his root assumption of a fundamental ontology that one can somehow explicate "prior to" or in abstraction from our existence as beings always already orientated toward values - as far as I can see it is completely arbitrary: abstract thinking in the bad sense of the term.

12:17 PM  
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