The Charioteer

"The charioteer of the human soul drives a pair of steeds, and one of the horses is beautiful, good, and formed of such elements, whereas the makeup of the other one is quite the opposite." -Phaedrus

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Location: Duquesne University, United States

A Blog For All and None. Consider it my narrative history of ideas. A place primarily to share and obtain feedback to my thoughts through my graduate career in philosophy. For philosophy is simply "thoughts that have been thought out."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Did Scheler Foreshadow Levinas' Critique of Heidegger?

Scheler once wrote that "if I were Dasein, I would rather not exist." Is this not essentially what Levinas is disputing by razing down ontology and attempting to reverse the Heideggerian poles of its relation to metaphysics. It is because Being is essential empty and impersonal, devoid of content, such as the sight of the face. Being's fundamentality is precisely its fault, and because of this, lacks the very fundamentality it claims. The analytic of Dasein is simply an impersonal form of Being. So are we to give up personality for totality? What is the point? Who cares enough about totality? Why would it be so important to remain on such an impersonal level?

Of course, Levinas finds this meaningless. As did Scheler, quite boldly, over twenty years before Levinas. Scheler's claim to fame is the destruction of the formal through the material, the ascendancy of the personal over everything impersonal. Why has this not been noticed?

Scheler will continue to lack a place in philosophy if his importance is never noticed. More on this later.... Much more indeed.


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